About Us

We are a team of enthusiastic female journalists who started publishing Časoris, an internationally awarded free online newspaper for children.

Over time, we realized that we had to supplement it with workshops, seminars and various learning materials, such as the video on the right, as we wanted to strengthen media literacy and encourage critical thinking.

With credible news, we now inspire children and educate citizens.

Veverica velikanka. Vir: Kaja in Neja odkrivata veverice velikanke/YouTube

It is very important that kids know how to recognize fake news; to know where to check the information they come across; to ask themselves who told them something and why, as well as how they could verify it.

Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc

Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc

Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc

Founder, Director & Editor-in-Chief

Sandra Hanžič

Sandra Hanžič

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Saša Petejan

Saša Petejan

Project manager & Journalist

Mateja Čelan

Mateja Čelan


Urška Stropnik Šonc

Urška Stropnik Šonc


Rebecca Svetina

Rebecca Svetina

Translator & Graphic Designer

Nataša Kotar Vovk

Nataša Kotar Vovk

Associate for Project development & Fundraising


Publisher of the portal: Zavod Časoris, institute for information and education, based in Ljubljana.

President of the board of the institute: Darja Groznik, editor at Radio Slovenia and the president of ZPMS

Directordr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc

You can contact us at: urednistvo@casoris.si

Our Mission

We inspire children and educate citizens.

Our Vision

We want children to learn to recognise the importance of credible media and – like generations before them – to get used to following news they can trust.

Today’s children are growing up in a world where they get their information from social networks and platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube. At the same time, thanks to the development of technology and changing habits, they no longer see their parents reading newspapers and magazines or following TV and radio news as we once could.

That is why we need to re-instill in them the habit of regularly using reliable sources of information and accustom them to think critically about the credibility of the news and information they come into contact with. The easiest and most effective way to do this is at school, since all children attend it, even those who come from less aware and stimulating backgrounds.

Credible and relevant media connect us and bring us closer together; they tell us how people live across the river. If we want to ensure a peaceful and safe future for our children, if we want the next generation to grow up to be tolerant, compassionate, respectful, responsible and active citizens: Let’s not delay – let’s start using credible news in trusted media now.