Mental Health

Mental Health
Students’ mental health can be described as a state of well-being in which they have a positive attitude towards themselves and their environment, can cope effectively with challenges, can work effectively and productively, and can contribute to the community.
The Mental Health news package contains lesson plans addressing self-esteem and self-confidence.
The Mental Health and How to Maintain It lesson plan is currently available. We will be updating the series with new learning activities.
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The Mental Health and How to Maintain It
Students learn how important it is to feel comfortable in their own skin and have self confidence. They also find out how others’ opinions affect their self-esteem and understand the meaning of the word self-esteem. They draw conclusions from the film about the importance of accepting others with all their differences. They formulate tips and steps on how to establish and maintain a positive self-image.
- self-esteem
- positive characteristics
- well-being
- self-image
- acceptance
Lavra Černela, DOŠ Prosenjakovci
Rebecca Svetina
The beauty of an individual is often hidden precisely in the differences
This lesson can be carried out in any of the following
- a class hour (homeroom)
- an English (EFL) lesson
3rd Triad (7th–9th grade)
90 min + 113 min film
Updated: 7. 8. 2023
Starting points for class discussion
- Do I accept myself as I am?
- The opinion of my peers means a lot to me.
- When and where do I feel good?
Important dates
- April 7th is World Health Day
- October is Mental Health Month
- October 10th is International Mental Health Day
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