Relationships and Violence

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Relationships and Violence

The Relationships and Violence news package contains lessons addressing bullying and discussing various forms of violence.

The Peer Violence lesson plan is currently available. We will be updating the series with new learning activities.



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Peer Violence

Students learn about different types of violence and actively participate using examples from their own lives.


  • a bully
  • a victim of violence
  • an observer of violence
  • verbal and physical violence


Karmen Zupanc, OŠ Polzela


Rebecca Svetina


Violence in schools still surprises us all too often

This lesson can be carried out in any of the following

  • an English (EFL) lesson
  • a class hour (homeroom)


3rd Triad (7th–9th grade)

90 min

Updated: 7th Aug 2023

Starting points for class discussion

  • Can you name different kinds of violence?
  • Which forms of violence happen at your school?
  • Why is violence completely unacceptable, or are there exceptions?
  • How do you react when you witness peer violence?

Important dates

  • October 2nd is the International Day of Nonviolence
  • The first Thursday of November is the International Day Against Violence and Bullying in Schools
  • November 25th is the International Day Against Violence Against Women







Knife or marker

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